Things to look out for while buying Jaba Juice

Picture this: a year ago, there were only a handful of Jaba Juice brands to choose from. Fast forward to today, and it seems like every Tom, Dick, and Harry is jumping on the Jaba Juice bandwagon, all claiming to be the best of the best. With no regulatory watchdogs in sight, how do we navigate this wild jungle of Jaba Juice and ensure that what we’re sipping is not just top-notch but also safe for our taste buds? Fear not, fellow juice enthusiasts; I’ve embarked on a flavorful journey to help you separate the gems from the scams. Here are a few things to keep an eye out for while on your Jaba Juice quest:

1. The Green Test: Is It Really Cold Pressed?

First up, beware of sellers who boast about their Jaba Juice being cold-pressed when it might be nothing more than a tall tale. You see, the easiest way to sniff out the truth is by taking a good look at the color of the juice. Jaba, in its purest form, is as green as a lush forest, so when it’s genuinely cold-pressed, it should stay true to its natural hue. Even if it’s mingling with other fruits and juices, a hint of green should remain, much like how spinach juices retain their vibrant green, no matter what they’re blended with.

Moreover, cold-pressed juices are finicky when it comes to their shelf life – they can only strut their stuff for a maximum of 5 days, and that’s with the chill of a fridge. So if someone claims it’s cold-pressed and yet it miraculously lasts for a week, something’s fishy. Why the insistence on calling it cold-pressed, you ask? Well, cold-pressed is practically synonymous with fresh and organic, and they want to imply that their product is as fresh as a daisy.

2. The Shelf Life Shuffle: How Long Does It Really Last?

Let’s talk shelf life because it’s a crucial chapter in our Jaba Juice detective story. I mentioned it briefly in the previous point, but it applies to the regular, clear Jaba Juice too. This liquid gold has a relatively short shelf life, but that’s if no preservation techniques have been put into play. In perfect conditions, where no rogue air infiltrates the juice and it chills in the fridge, it should stay in tip-top shape for a maximum of 12 days. So, if you come across a Jaba Juice brand proclaiming a month-long shelf life, but they swear it’s au naturel, proceed with caution.

3. The Frozen Fable: Why is it Frozen?

Now, here’s something interesting I have noticed. Some Jaba Juice brands freeze their juice on the shelves and claim it’s good for a whole month. And, believe it or not, they’re not fibbing! The issue, however, is that freezing Jaba Juice triggers a frosty transformation, causing the molecules to part ways and reducing the juice’s potency. So, while it technically won’t expire, it won’t pack the same punch. Plus, if it decides to do a thaw dance and melts, you’ve got a mere 24-hour window to enjoy it. That means it has to remain frozen for the entire month, which is no easy feat.

Cheers to Safe Sipping!

So there you have it, your Jaba Juice survival guide. Next time you’re on the hunt for the perfect sip of Jaba Juice, remember these insights to ensure your taste buds stay happy, healthy, and hydrated. Cheers to safe sipping!

Are you new to Jaba Juice and are looking to learn more about its pros, cons and how it impacts the culture. Then be sure to check out our jaba juice blog where we dive into all topics relating to Khat juicemiraa juicejaba juice or whatever you want to call it. For starters, you can learn about what is jaba juice here and also check out my jaba juice review where I showcase which is the best jaba juice. You can also check out this jaba juice faq that answers most frequently asked questions.